[180314]Reol ミニアルバム仝倡鹿々[320K]
Kyoko Shu / Reol
倡鹿 / Reol
Catalog No.: VICL-64954
JAN/ISBN: 4988002759385
Product Type: CD
Number of Discs: 1
Label/Distributor: Victor Entertainment
Release Date: March 14, 2018
Reol brings a solo CD. All the songs are written and composed by Reol herself. Among the songs, "Heimenkyo" and "Cult" are arranged and mixed by Giga. Also, this work features great guests as arranger such as mito (Clammbon) and Satoshi Setsune. Comes with PlayPASS code.
Reol、壅軟咫DD兆xを仟たにソロア`ティストとして壅軟咾靴拭▲泪襯・クリエイタ`"Reol"が慧つミニアルバム仝倡鹿々、ビクタ`CONNECTONEレ`ベルよりk!! ミニアルバム〆倡鹿〇はуh爆畠ての恬~・恬爆をReol云繁が毅輝。男嗔"ギガ"箆が仝峠中R々・仝カルト々吉のS爆でアレンジおよびミックスに亊わり、厚にはクラムボン"ミト"箆や"冴 "箆などが仟たに哭えたミュ`ジシャンがアレンジを毅輝。