英文名称:Dead or Alive 5 Moded
开发厂商:Team Ninja
发行厂商:Tecmo Koei America Corp.
DEAD OR ALIVE 5 incorporates a variety of martial arts fighting techniques into its signature fighting style to create a new generation of intense DEAD OR ALIVE combat. Players will once again take on the roles of the cast of DEAD OR ALIVE fighters, along with new contenders such as Virtua Fighter's Akira Yuki, in an action-packed brawler set in visually striking locations from around the world. The famed DEAD OR ALIVE hand-to-hand combat returns in DOA5, supported by new 3D stages that change as the match progresses.
KOEI TECMO Games 旗下 Team NINJA 团队制作,预定 9 月推出的 PS3 / Xbox 360 对战格斗游戏《死或生5(Dead or Alive 5)》。玩家可以见识到霞(かすみ)与绫音(あやね)这对忍者姊妹花在激流上的木筏所展开的激烈对决。中途伴随著熟悉的「你还早了十年呐!(10年早いんだよ!)」台词登场的,来自 SEGA 经典 3D 格斗游戏《VR 快打》系列的主角结城晶(アキラ),两大人气 3D 格斗游戏将展开令人惊异的合作。