1/6系列 美剧 曼达洛人 格洛古 可动人偶 场景套装

【1:6比例足本還原全城矚目超萌新星Grogu 劇中的3大場景造型 獨配兩個星戰神奇動物】
Hot Toys精心揀選了Grogu於《The Mandalorian》劇中的3大人氣場景造型以1:6比例足本打造,分別是坐在仿懸浮太空艙上的場景造型、躲在船倉裝備箱的場景造型和逃避追捕時被包在裹布裡的場景造型,滿足全球廣大星戰粉絲的收藏願望!
3大人氣Grogu場景造型人偶分別配置上不同神態表情的Grogu頭雕和穿上雕刻上仿麻質長袍服裝,頭雕均細緻塑造出牠長長的尖耳朵與水汪汪大眼,準繩細膩地刻劃上Grogu的面部輪廓與淡綠色的皮膚塗裝,完全準確捕捉角色惹人憐愛的神韻與模樣,當中的仿懸浮太空艙和船倉裝備箱Grogu 頭雕配有活動關節同時可互相替換。隨珍藏套裝更獨家附送兩款星戰宇宙的1:6比例可愛神奇生物,分別是Loth-Cat 和Sorgan Frog,為此套Grogu 1:6比例珍藏套裝添上色彩!
“It is a foundling. By creed, it is in your care.”
The highly acclaimed Star Wars live action series The Mandalorian has introduced us to a widely beloved character, Grogu, the mysterious alien child pursued by bounty hunters on behalf of Imperial interests.
Celebrating Star Wars Day, Hot Toys is excited to present a special 1/6th scale collectible set featuring Grogu and unique creatures seen in The Mandalorian.
This 1/6th scale collectible set features the skillfully crafted Grogu in 3 different poses, two styles of prams, a loth-cat, and a one-eyed frog making them great complements to your Mandalorian display!
Take care of this little one in your Star Wars collection today!
The 1/6th scale Grogu Collectible Set specially features:
- Authentic and detailed likeness of Grogu in Star Wars: The Mandalorian series
- Highly-accurate facial expression, detailed wrinkles, and skin texture
- One (1) Grogu wrapped in blanket
- One (1) Grogu with normal expression in sitting posture (equipped with magnetic function)
- One (1) Grogu with mouth opened expression in sitting posture (equipped with magnetic function)
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) equipment storage box with weathering effects
- One (1) metallic painted hover pram with cover and blanket
- One (1) Loth-cat
- One (1) Sorgan frog
- Two (2) specially designed figure stands for prams
- Grogu & Loth-cat Collectibles 3D designed by Studio HIVE
Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2022
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice |